Teaching English in Cambodia

This teaching assignment is rather different to my posting in Uttarakhand, India where the conditions for learning and teaching were far from ideal. The Learn4Life school in Siem Reap (SR), Cambodia is everything that you would expect from an educational establishment. It provides the students with an excellent environment for study and encourages them to come and learn – it is a good, positive experience. Continue reading “Teaching English in Cambodia”

Living in Siem Reap

So how is life in Cambodia in this bustling tourist town? There is a lot more to it than just the temples and the infamous Pub Street. The town sits on the edge of Tonle Sap, the largest lake in Asia – the boundaries of which change with the seasons and which is a UNESCO biosphere reserve although it is under threat as increasing numbers of dams in the Mekong are affecting the flow of water into Tonle Sap. Continue reading “Living in Siem Reap”